The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority

Riverine Flood Status
Lake Simcoe Shoreline Status
Low Water Status

Flood Forecasting - Lake Simcoe Shoreline

Lake Simcoe Shorelin​e

Water Levels and Shoreline Flooding

The Lake Simcoe S​horeline Hazard Watch and Warning messages are issued when there is a potential for high water levels and waves along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline that could lead to flooding and erosion. The shoreline hazard warning can be issued with, or independent of, the riverine flood messages.

Lake Simcoe Shoreline Hazards - Definitions

Shoreline status normal conditions icon

Normal Conditions:

No flood conditions exist.

Shoreline Hazards Low Risk icon

Low Risk:

  • potential for minor localized shoreline flooding due to high lake levels with minimal impact or disruption
  • minor local drainage issues
Shoreline Hazard Watch icon

Shoreline Hazard Watch – Moderate Risk:

  • broader shoreline flooding due to high lake levels
  • impacts to local drainage in low lying areas due to high lake levels and inability for effective drainage
  • localized minor storm surge / seiche and wave damage may occur
  •  moderate risk to dike failures in the Keswick, Kolbar and Bradford polders impacting agricultural lands
Shoreline hazard warning icon

Shoreline Hazard Watch – High Risk:

  • significant shoreline flooding due to extreme lake levels
  • significant storm surge/seiche causing flooding in low lying shoreline areas exposed to prevailing winds
  • high risk for dock, boathouse and shoreline damage for areas exposed to prevailing winds
  • high risk to dike failures in the Keswick, Kolbar and Bradford polders impacting agricultural lands

Riverine Flooding

Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority also issues riverine messages to advise municipalities and watershed residents of the potential threat to public safety or property damage. 

Learn more about our Riverine (rivers and streams) flood forecasting.​

pending icon   Current Flood Status

Check the current flood status for the Lake Simcoe watershed: Riverine Lake Simcoe Shoreline

status icon  Shoreline Status

LSRCA also issues​ Lake Simcoe S​horeline Hazard Watch and Warning messages​. These messages are issued when there is a potential for high water levels and waves along the Lake Simcoe Shoreline that could lead to flooding and erosion. The shoreline hazard warning can be issued with, or independent of, the riverine flood messages.

warning icon  Understand Your Risk

Don’t wait until a flooding emergency happens to you… take the time now to understand your risk and prepare for a flood emergency.​   

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